
Use of the Website Material

Welcome to the Benetti Yachts website (Website), owned by Azimut – Benetti S.p.A, (here in after BENETTI) with its registered office at Via Michele Coppino n°104, Viareggio, Fiscal Code/Lucca Companies Register number 0098670001, VAT Code 01390230462. Use of this website is subject to the following General Terms and Conditions (Terms). BENETTI may modify these Terms, informing users of the changes in an update of this document. The new Terms will take effect on the date they are posted on line.
Please read these Terms carefully prior to using the Website. In using this Site, the user agrees to the Terms below. Access will be granted to the Site only if the terms are accepted.

Use of the Website Material

BENETTI manages this Website for your information. You may download to your computer or print any of the material presented on this Website only for non-commercial, educational, private or domestic use, provided material protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary names is neither deleted nor modified. Unless otherwise stipulated, everything contained in the Website (such as images, photographs, illustrations, icons, text, video clips, sounds, music, written and other material) is covered by copyright and protected by international copyright treaties and laws. The sale, reproduction, distribution, modification, exhibition, distribution, production of works based on the site’s contents, and the use or quotation of the site’s contents in any way and for any public or commercial purpose is strictly prohibited. The site’s contents may not be used or displayed for any reason on other sites or computing environment on the internet. If these Terms are not respected, permission to use the site’s contents will be automatically suspended and any copies of the content must be immediately destroyed. Any unauthorised use of the site on your part may violate copyright, trademark, privacy and advertising laws as well as communication rules and regulations. Links between the Benetti Yachts Website and third party sites may not be established without our written consent.

Your Communication

Any communication or material sent by you to the Website via e-mail or by any other means, excluding personal data concerning you, including and not limited to any data, question or answer, suggestion or similar will be considered by BENETTI as non-confidential and non proprietary. By communicating with the Website, BENETTI is automatically granted, free of charge, and with no time restrictions, a licence to use, reproduce, modify, publicise, translate, distribute and present said communication alone or included with other works in any form, via any means and technology, whether known or developed in the future, as well as the right to sublicense to third parties. Any information sent by you may be used by BENETTI for any purpose, including the reproduction, disclosure, publication, transmission and sending via any means, production and marketing of products.


The purpose of the data present on this Website is to provide information on BENETTI products. BENETTI is committed to providing the most accurate and complete information possible. We cannot guarantee that the site’s contents are error free, that they are entirely reliable or that your use of the site’s contents does not violate the rights of third parties. The User uses the Website at his/her own risk. BENETTI does not guarantee that functional aspects of the Website or its contents are error free or that this Website, its contents or the server providing them contain no viruses or other damaging elements. If, following use of this Website or its contents, it becomes necessary to repair or replace hardware or data, BENETTI cannot be held liable for costs. Reserving the right to the above, anything present on the Website is provided to the user AS IS and AS MADE AVAILABLE WITH NO GUARANTEES, WHETHER EXPLICIT OR IMPLICIT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLICIT MARKETABILITY GUARANTEES, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, APPROPRIATENESS FOR A SPECIFIC USE, APPROPRIATE ATTENTION AND COMPETENCE, OR NON-VIOLATION. BENETTI and its suppliers provide no guarantees of the site’s contents, software, texts, downloads, graphics, links, or the results obtained through use of the Website. Please note that certain jurisdictions forbid the exclusion of implicit guarantees, so some of the exclusions above may not be applicable to you.


Brands, logos and service marks (including trademarks) present in this Website are registered or non-registered trademarks belonging to BENETTI or licensed to BENETTI by third parties. Nothing contained in the Website must be interpreted as granting whether implicitly, by exception or other means, a licence or right to use any trademark present on this Website without the written consent of BENETTI or of the parties owning the trademark. Illegal use of any trademark present on the Website, or of any other content of the Website, unless expressly stipulated, is absolutely prohibited.


All the contents of this site are protected by Copyright ©2016 BENETTI, or licensed to BENETTI and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


The user may find links in this Website to other sites managed by subjects other than BENETTI. The insertion of links to such sites does not imply BENETTI’s endorsement of said sites. BENETTI has not examined all the sites linked to its own Website and is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of certain of the pages contained in them or of the sites linked to this Website. The user connects to pages external to this Website at his or her own risk.

Revocation of Right of Use

The user accepts that BENETTI may deny access and the use of its Site if it suspects that the user has violated or acted in a manner inconsistent with the content or spirit of these Terms, or has violated the rights of BENETTI or of third parties, or for other reasons, with or without prior notice. The user also accepts that BENETTI may modify or suspend this Website, with or without prior notice, and that BENETTI cannot be held liable to the user or to third parties for said modifications or suspensions. The conditions of the Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability and General Conditions sections will remain valid after these Terms cease to be valid.

Limitation of Liability

In no case will BENETTI be held liable for any loss deriving from or regarding the use of the information available in this Website, whether direct or indirect, including, without restriction, liability for loss of use, interruption of activity, loss of profits or data, or incidental, specific or derived damages of any type, regardless of the events having occurred, whether part of the contract or deriving from illicit acts (including negligence) or other, also where BENETTI was informed of the possibility of said damage. Since some countries and states do not permit the exclusion or limitation of liability for incidental or derived damage, these limitations may not be applicable in your case.

General Conditions

Unless otherwise stipulated, the information and material present in this Website are published only for promotional/informational purposes for BENETTI products and services. With this, BENETTI does not intend to declare that the contents of the site are appropriate or available for use in every country in the world. The user uses this site at his/her own risk and is responsible for observing local legislation in force, remembering that access to the site’s contents may not be legal for certain persons or in certain countries. Our products are available in many parts of the world. In any case, this Website may display products not available worldwide. Any cause for which the user intends to take legal action regarding this Website must be undertaken within two years of the claim. These Terms will refer to and be interpreted by Italian law, regardless of the conflict of laws. Failure by BENETTI to report the violation of any of the conditions of these Terms cannot be interpreted at a waiver of such right in the event of a subsequent violation.

Video Surveillance Report

Azimut-Benetti S.p.A., in its capacity as Data Controller, hereby makes known that in its premises in Livorno, which are situated on via Edda Fagni n 1, an external/internal video surveillance system is in operation in the “Internal production” area, which also partially covers the so-called “Morosini Dock” external area (where the boats and forecourts opposite the above dock are situated). This system comprises various cameras, which operate in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree n. 196/03 and the Order of the data protection Authority of 8 April 2010.
 Detailed report HERE.