Privacy Notice

Privacy notice about the processing of personal data pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27th April 2016

THE DATA CONTROLLER is Azimut Benetti s.p.a. with registered office at Via M. Coppino nr. 104 – 55049 Viareggio (Lucca), C.F.00986700011 e P. IVA 01390230462.


The personal identification data provided by you will processed for the following purposes:

  • The personal identification data provided by you will be processed in order to perform contractual, pre-contractual, after sales/customer care obligations, including the supply of goods and services according to the contract, and to fulfil tax and accounting requirements and the relevant statutory obligations.

Legal basis for processing: contractual fulfilment and statutory obligations.

  • For after sales/customer purposes and in order to improve our goods and services, the Data Subject may also be contacted for customer satisfaction surveys.

Legal basis for processing: legitimate interest of the Data Controller (Art. 6 lett. f and Recital 47 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

  • Sending of the newsletter about Benetti’s world by Azimut Benetti s.p.a..

Legal basis for processing: data subject’s consent.


  • Sending, via email, of informational material regarding Benetti products from Azimut Benetti s.p.a..

Legal basis for processing: data subject’s consent.


The above mentioned data will be processed lawfully and fairly and in compliance with the security obligations prescribed by the Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Data will be processed both manually and electronically and only in relation to the purpose as mentioned above and in order to guarantee their security and confidentiality.

The above mentioned data will be processed by personnel duly authorized by Azimut Benetti s.p.a. or by a third party appointed as data processor (art. 28 GDPR).

With reference to the purposes set forth into point 1), the personal identification data provided by you will be kept for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which such data are collected and processed and in any case for a period not less than the term provided by laws.

With reference to the purposes set forth into points 2), 3) and 4), the above mentioned data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which such data are collected and processed or until the consent’s withdrawal.


With reference to the purposes set forth into point 1), the provision of data is mandatory since it is indispensable for the abovementioned purposes. Failure to provide such data may make it impossible to perform our obligations.

With reference to the purposes set forth into points 2), 3) and 4), provision of data is voluntary for each purpose above mentioned. Your refusal to provide data will result in it being impossible to carry out the purposes set forth therein.


The personal data may be disclosed to third parties having the right to access by law or by regulation.


The above mentioned data will be stored into a server located in UE. A transfer of personal data to a third country will be made, if any, on the basis of the European Commission adequacy decision (art. 45 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679) or, in absence of such a decision, only in case of appropriate safeguards (art. 46 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679)


Azimut Benetti s.p.a. does not use any automated decision-making to the collected data. Upon the filling out of the form contained in Azimut Benetti s.p.a. website, the Data Controller keep, by its CRM system, a record of your interactions.


You, as data subject, have the right at any time to exercise the rights under the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 in respect of and against the Data Controller, including – but not limited – the right to:

  1.  request access to your personal data, verify their accuracy and request their amendment, erasure or the restriction of their processing;
  2.  obtain the data portability;
  3.  withdraw your consent;
  4.  objet, in whole or in part, to processing of your personal data;
  5.  lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.


In order to exercise your rights, please contact the Data Controller by sending an email to